
Welcome to GetgoBiz.

Managing a small business today is challenging.  It is complex and requires not only insight about current business affairs but also requires an understanding of a great many topics.  Understanding all these challenges influence how effectively you are able to run your business.

These challenges may include social, political and global influences.

GetgoBiz will reference a number of interesting topics from performance appraisals to PowerPoint presentations. All managers must strive to achieve the best business results, motivate staff, maintain morale and be professional at all times.

There are three distinct areas of management that GetgoBiz focuses on. They are,

  1. Managing yourself
  2. Managing others, and
  3. Managing the business

Starting and running your own business is not for the faint hearted.   There is always something that needs to be done but never enough time to do it.

Demands placed on your time mean that there is very little available for you to learn by trial and error. You must get it right the first time or if that is not possible then in the shortest time possible, and move on.

We hope that some of the posts here will help you to achieve this.